(210) 951-9312 sanantoniobpoc@gmail.com


Today’s Vision

The Coalition is still committed to its initial goals, with new goals in view. Although, the majority of the coalition members are African American officers, its membership is open to all officers of the San Antonio Police Department. The Coalition has established communications with several of its retired members and continues to keep in touch with them. The Coalition currently has an excellent working relationship with the Chief of Police and the current Executive Board of the San Antonio Hispanic Police Officers’ Organization, as well as the Executive Board of the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association.



Contact us by filling out the form above and one of our officers will get in contact with you.

You can also reach us by text or call at (210) 951-9312 or email us at sanantoniobpoc@gmail.com.

SABPOC Donations by Ca$h App
SABPOC 2019 MLK March

Thank You For Your Support

Today, the Coalition continues to exist primarily through the efforts of Sam Moore, Chinee Edwards, Ben Burleson and Harvey Jackson, as they continue to make sure The Coalition was instrumental and involved in granting partial scholarships and being recognized in the communities. 

Join us and become a SABPOC member Today!

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